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December 6, 2022

Not-for-Profits in the Know Recorded Webinar: Tapping into Talent, Reacting to Market Volatility and Financial Planning for 2023

We’re wrapping up our 2022 Not-for-Profits in the Know webinar series designed to educate and empower community leaders to further their missions.  With organizations still bouncing back from the pandemic, our last webinar of the year will focus on what your not-for-profit needs to know going into 2023 to start the new year on solid financial ground.

Watch our Q&A-style panel webinar featuring Anders Not-for-Profit guru Jeanne Dee with Director of Talent Jacques LeBeau and Chris Schroeder of Claris Advisors as they discuss pressing issues facing not-for-profit organizations moving into the new year. 2022 brought several challenges for not-for-profits, including a complicated labor market, a difficult investment landscape and continued concerns about rising inflation and a possible recession. Despite these challenges, 2023 can prove to be a strong year for organizations who take lessons learned from the year before.

Watch our recorded webinar to learn:

  • Tactics to retain talent in your organization
  • The unique employment opportunities available in the post-pandemic environment
  • Updates regarding charitable giving from corporate and individual donors
  • Guidance around investment strategies for not-for-profit organizations
  • How to create steady income for your organization

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