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November 17, 2020

Making Your Business Valuable During COVID-19: Pivoting a Service to a Product

Service companies are disproportionately impacted by the economic disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. While consumers are cutting back on services to save on costs and avoid human contact, they are still buying products that solve problems and meet their needs. Businesses are purchasing products like Microsoft Teams for teleconferencing and internal communications. Individuals are purchasing home gym equipment instead of a service like a personal trainer. This has caused many service-based businesses to throw away the usual playbook and are pivot to provide a product to their customers.

Pivoting in Action

Rather than having customers visit their restaurant, we have seen restaurants have neighborhood deals to deliver to the consumers. By turning a “Taco Tuesday” into an “emergency burrito with a margarita kit”, customers can have the safety of their own home, but still have a product they desired. After spending all day in the home with their new co-workers (aka children), the taco and a margarita is answer to their unique need.

Making this pivot from a service to a product can help make your business more valuable and should be done strategically. Finding your product’s niche, identifying what problems it will solve and stating expectations to customers are important first steps.

Find Your Niche

One of the first steps is to determine your companies’ niche. This can be counterintuitive because your instinct in a down economy is to need more customers, not less, but it is a critical move in creating a product. Picking your niche helps you focus on a single type of customer and design a product to efficiently reach the target audience. Services are adapted and customized for a variety of customers while a product typically fits one type of buyer.  

Identify the Problem You’re Solving

Rank your services and focus on which can solve a problem. Be clear about what problem your product solves for your niche then brand it. With a service, you are hiring the right person for the job. With a product, you are selling a “thing”, so having a solid brand with a clear purpose is essential for turning your service into the product.

Clearly State Expectations

In order to turn your service into an everyday product, it must have the feel of other products. When you run a service you typically price everything out by the hour. A product has the price tag on it upfront. When you pick up any tangible product at the grocery store, there is a list of their ingredients. Show an itemized list of what your customers get when they buy from you.

Service providers have been hammered by the global pandemic. If you can pivot your service to look and feel more like a product, you can move your company into more stability in these uncertain times. Anders can help your business add value to build a more durable business coming out of the pandemic and help transition the business when you’re ready. Learn more about our Business Transition Planning or COVID-19 Business Recovery services or contact an Anders advisor below.

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