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June 25, 2020

Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loan Forgiveness Calculators and Tools

Tracking expenses is an important part of maximizing PPP loan forgiveness. Once you identify which expenses are eligible for PPP forgiveness, it’s time to start keeping track of these expenses and calculate your potential forgiveness amount. The Anders CARES Act Research and Response Team put together tracking tools you can use to make it easier when it comes time to start the loan forgiveness process.

Please note: these calculators provide an estimate based on our interpretation of the current guidelines, and actual loan forgiveness may differ when the SBA and banks release the loan forgiveness reporting forms.

Download the PPP Loan Forgiveness Calculator.

Download the 8-Week Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Calculator.

Download the 24-Week Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Calculator.

Download the Information Checklist to Apply for PPP Loan Forgiveness.

Updated 6/25/2020

Visit our COVID-19 Resource Center for other insights and tools surrounding the CARES Act. To discuss how we can best assist you and the associated fees, contact an Anders advisor below.

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