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June 28, 2019

Missouri Releases Interactive Map of Pre-Filed Medical Marijuana Application Fees by County

With the passage of Amendment 2, the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services intends to initially license 338 medical marijuana facilities by the end of 2019. These licenses will include 60 cultivation facilities, 86 manufacturing facilities, and 192 dispensaries.

Current Application Status

As of June 20, the state has received 543 pre-application deposits totaling $3.9 million, far exceeding the number of licenses that will be initially issued by the state. On June 27, the state published an interactive map breaking down the number of pre-filed medical marijuana facility license deposits by county and by facility type.

As expected, counties with the highest population densities tended to have the most pre-filed deposits. This included Jackson County (Kansas City) with 104 pre-filed deposits, St. Louis County with 85, Boone County (Columbia) with 34, Greene County (Springfield) with 30, St. Charles County with 20, and St. Louis City with 13.  These 6 counties represent 286 of the 543 of deposits on file. Interestingly, as of June 27, there are several counties scattered throughout the state that have not received any pre-filed medical marijuana application deposits.

It is important to note that the window for applying for a Missouri medical marijuana facility license does not open until August 3. Pre-filed application deposits are not required by the state and instead can be submitted with the application itself. As a result, it seems likely that the amount of actual facility license applicants will far exceed the 543 deposits that have been received as of June 20.

To learn more about the Missouri medical marijuana facility license application process or the Anders Cannabis Group, please contact an Anders advisor.

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