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April 4, 2023

St. Louis Inno Partnership: Why Established Businesses and Startups Should Learn to Work Together

Businesses are looking for ways to be more efficient and accelerate growth, which is why some established companies are connecting with startups to devise innovative new solutions to meet the modern age. There are a variety of ways for established businesses to connect with startups, including full immersion in a startup environment, such as an incubator co-working space, or acquiring talent from a startup. Dave Finklang, CPA/CGMA, MBA, Partner + Tax at Anders shares lessons established businesses should learn from startups with the St. Louis Business Journal’s St. Louis Inno platform. 

Dave discusses the opportunities available to collaborate with local startups, writing, “Immersing yourself in a startup environment as an established business allows you the opportunity to work with industry innovators. This can set the stage for vendor relationships, partnerships and even acquisitions that benefit both parties.” Dave also debunks the common misconceptions some business leaders hold about startups and details the startup qualities more organizations should aspire to. 

To learn more about startup strategies established businesses can utilize to enhance their growth, read the full article here: Why established businesses and startups should learn to work together.  

For more insights into how established businesses benefit from forming relationships with startups, listen to Dave on the Anders podcast But Who’s Counting? 

Anders is a proud founding partner of St. Louis Inno, a digital media platform that will serve as the region’s portal for news, profiles and insight into the region’s burgeoning innovation ecosystem. Learn more about St. Louis Inno.  

See how Anders works with startups and entrepreneurs.  

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